Explore projects
This program will take input parameters and search for GHCN-D stations that match criteria.
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Jared Rennie / GHCNpy
BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" LicensePackage to import, analyze, and visualize data from the Global Historical Climatology Network - Daily (GHCN-D) Dataset
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Angel Li / meteor-autoform-typeahead
MIT LicenseUpdated -
Code used for the NCEI Innovates project known as "Coastal Normals"
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An example XML/XSL pair that is an example of the granular metadata transformation that would be used in the OneStop project. The example data point used is a PATMOS dataset; which an example of a NOAA CDR.
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A command-line utility that reads in a CF NetCDF and a generic XML file that returns a transformed XML file that conforms to the standard defined in the given XSL.
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A comparison of simulated and observed soil conditions over the 2012 drought
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This project attempts to create a bias profile of common manual GHCN stations bias types: shielding, sensor calibration, station moves, land cover, and time of observation shifts.
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This project uses GHCND to plot its data. Depending on the piece of code, it either plots a time series for a single station, or spatial data from multiple stations.
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