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Code to take drought indicators and create county averages, and plot
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Python3 code that reads in MRMS data, then plots for CONUS, as well as Asheville, NC
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Using USCRN and ERA5 data, generate 3 heat exposure products: NWS Heat Index, Apparent Temperature (Shade), and Wet Bulb Globe Temperature.
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Douglas Rao / NCAI Training Notebook - R
MIT LicenseThis is a sample repository of training R notebooks for NCAI development
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Douglas Rao / NCAI training sandbox - R
MIT LicenseThis is the binder project environment repository
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Code used for the NCEI Innovates project known as "Coastal Normals"
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Code to 1) pull down 2m monthly averaged data from CDS, and 2) Build two 30 year climos (1981-2010, 1991-2020) and plot the difference between them.
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Andrew Buddenberg / gcis-py-client
BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" LicenseUpdated -
Given an EPS file and a text file with a figure caption, create a one page PDF with the EPS and caption. Needs pdflatex.
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This program will take input parameters and search for GHCN-D stations that match criteria.